Friday, October 10, 2008

Jetspinner Update - How to Get More Out of Jetspinner

Update: How to get the most out of Jetsubmitter. Combine Jetspinner with Power Article Rewriter. I got tired of using the thesaurus in Word to find alternative words in my articles and did a little searching. I ran across Power Article Rewriter and it has made my life soooo much easier.

Instead of writing my articles in Word, I now write them in PAR. PAR will provide a list of alternatives to most nouns, verb, and adjectives. The best part is, you only need to click on the alternative words you want and PAR will insert them along with the curly brackets. PAR will spin the article, so you can see if the article is spinning correctly, but the trial version of PAR only allows 1 spin at a time. You can get a free 15 day fully working trail version of PAR, but after 15 days, it shuts down.

So how do you use PAR and Jetspinner together.

Write your article in PAR, spin it and see that everything looks okay.

Copy and Paste the article into Jetspinner - spin up to 999 times - download free zip file of your articles or have Jetsubmitter submit your articles to over 400 article directories.

I was asked, "How do I swap sentences or paragraphs and still swap words inside those sentences?"

The answer is easy, Jetspinner allows nesting. Simply put, you can use brackets within brackets.

Use my example from below as a starting point:

The {dog|weenie dog|hairy dog} ran to {his owner|the boy|his best friend} and received a {treat|bone|dog cookie}.

Swap sentences using nested brackets: "{"The {dog|weenie dog|hairy dog} ran to {his owner|the boy|his best friend} and received a {treat|bone|dog cookie}."|"The {cat|red cat|black cat} slinked across the yard."}"

*Note: I used "" around the new curly brackets and | to make them stand out. Don't use the "" when nesting your words, sentences, or paragraphs.

Now when this is spun, it will return one of the two sentences (you can put as many sentences as you want between the curly brackets and Jetspinner will randomly pick one sentence) and will spin the substitue words within the returned sentence. And there is no limit to the nesting - except for how many you can keep track of!

So, you can spin a sentence, spin a block of sentences, and spin a paragraph. You can spin a nest within a nest within a nest.....

Update: One of the things that is pretty cool about Jetspinner is the spell checker. I write my articles in Word, the problem is the brackets and bars for the alternative words. e.g. {dog|cat|turtle} Word's spell checker doesn't distinguish between the words and thinks they are one big misspelled word. Jetspinner ignores the brackets and underlines the misspelled words. Pretty handy because I can type 35 mistakes a minute.

Update: Jetsubmitter will now submit articles to more than 450 article directories.

Jetspinner will now spin your articles up to 999 times and you can still download them all in a zip file for free.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Jetspinner Demo

I've been playing with Jetspinner to see just how far I can take it. Jetspinner has the capability to rearrange not only words, but sentences and paragraphs.

In this demo, you can see how I've spun words, sentences to demonstrate how powerful this article software can be. It is limited only to your imagination.

If you would like have up to 999 versions of your own article for FREE give Jetspinner a spin. This is a completely free service.

Jetsubmitter, however does charge a nominal fee for submitting your spun articles to almost 500 article directories. You choose how many articles per day and when to start article submission. So you build backlinks that look like normal backlink growth.

Here's the original text I submitted to Jetspinner:

First I wrote out the paragraphs - for this demo, the paragraphs are only 1 sentence long. Then I reversed the paragraphs and submitted them to Jetspinner.

The RED brackets indicate where I wanted Jetspinner to spin the paragraph order.

{{Good nutrition|Good food|Eating nutritious food} is {key|essential|necessary} for {optimal health|good health|keeping in the best health} and {optimal performance|top performance|performing your best} {while engaging in|during| while participating in} any {exercise|physical activity|activity}.
{Studies|Research|Evidence} {has shown|shows|reveals} that {the right|proper|eating the right} {nutrition|foods|nutrients} and fluid {eaten|intake|taken in} {a few hours before|prior to} {working out|engaging in competition} will {increase|result in increased} {endurance|performance}.|{Studies|Research|Evidence} {has shown|shows|reveals} that {the right|proper|eating the right} {nutrition|foods|nutrients} and fluid {eaten|intake|taken in} {a few hours before|prior to} {working out|engaging in competition} will {increase|result in increased} {endurance|performance}.
{Good nutrition|Good food|Eating nutritious food} is {key|essential|necessary} for {optimal health|good health|keeping in the best health} and {optimal performance|top performance|performing your best} {while engaging in|during| while participating in} any {exercise|physical activity|activity}.}

Here's the Jetspinner output:

Eating nutritious food
Eating nutritious food is key for optimal health and optimal performance while participating in any exercise.
Research has shown that proper nutrients and fluid taken in a few hours before engaging in competition will result in increased performance.


Eating nutritious food
Eating nutritious food is key for keeping in the best health and optimal performance during any activity.
Research has shown that eating the right nutrition and fluid taken in prior to engaging in competition will increase performance.


Eating nutritious food
Eating nutritious food is necessary for good health and top performance while participating in any exercise.
Research reveals that the right nutrition and fluid intake prior to working out will result in increased performance.


Eating nutritious food
Eating nutritious food is necessary for optimal health and top performance while engaging in any activity.
Research reveals that eating the right foods and fluid taken in prior to engaging in competition will increase performance.


Good nutrition
Research shows that eating the right foods and fluid intake a few hours before engaging in competition will increase endurance.
Good nutrition is essential for keeping in the best health and top performance while engaging in any exercise.


Eating nutritious food
Research shows that eating the right nutrition and fluid taken in prior to working out will result in increased performance.
Eating nutritious food is necessary for optimal health and optimal performance during any exercise.


Good food
Research reveals that eating the right foods and fluid eaten a few hours before working out will increase endurance.
Good food is necessary for good health and performing your best during any physical activity.


Good nutrition
Evidence has shown that proper nutrition and fluid taken in a few hours before engaging in competition will increase performance.
Good nutrition is essential for keeping in the best health and performing your best while engaging in any activity.


Good food
Good food is key for good health and optimal performance while engaging in any physical activity.
Research shows that eating the right foods and fluid taken in a few hours before engaging in competition will increase endurance.


Good nutrition
Good nutrition is key for keeping in the best health and performing your best during any physical activity.
Evidence has shown that eating the right nutrients and fluid taken in a few hours before engaging in competition will result in increased performance.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jetspinner Test Drive

Writing is not my forte and creating unique content is time consuming. So, right after I found Jetspinner, I knew I would have to give it a go. The interface is very straight forward and learning how to arrange words, sentences, and paragraphs is pretty easy. Trying to find enough substitute words is the key. I use an online thesaurus to quickly look up alternative words.

You can't beat this article software for the cost - FREE!

This is the basic sentence structure:

The dog ran to the boy and received a treat.

How it looks in Jetspinner:
( There is no limit on the number of words between the brackets { }. You're imagination is the only limit. The more words, the more unique each article Jetspinner generates. I found that 3 to 5 words per bracket does a really good job.)

The {dog|weenie dog|hairy dog} ran to {his owner|the boy|his best friend} and received a {treat|bone|dog cookie}.

Jetspinner's Spin:

The weenie dog ran to his owner and received a dog cookie.

The hairy dog ran to the boy and received a treat.

The hairy dog ran to his best friend and received a bone.

Now imagine being able to do that with article titles, words, sentences, and whole paragraphs.

Pretty easy! AND there's 47 other versions that were generated

Now the more creative you are in composing your article, the more variations you get.

It's possible with Jetspinner to swap whole sentences, swap paragraphs, spin the article title, and spin the author's box.

Article Marketing - Generate Unique Article Content

Jetspinner and Jetsubmitter are cutting edge tools in your website marketing efforts.

Jetspinner is completely free and will allow you to create hundreds of unique articles for article marketing.

You can quickly and easily establish yourself as an expert in your field and create hundreds of backlinks that avoid Google's duplicate content penalties.

Jetspinner and Jetsubmitter are very powerful content generators and article marketers.

They're offering a $1 3-day trial of Jetsubmitter as a launch promotion.


When I was searching for article submission software I ran across Jetspinner. I was skeptical at first because I've researched products on the net for almost 12 years and I don't find many that are reliable, credible or live up to the hype. But after spinning a few hundred articles in Jetspinner, I am thoroughly impressed with the ease and speed I can take one article and generate up to 999 versions.
Jetspinner has 2 parts, Jetspinner and Jetsubmitter. Jetspinner takes an article you create and substitutes nouns, verbs, and even whole sentences and paragraphs.
Jetspinner is free, you create a free account paste in an article and Jetspinner will create up to 999 articles, let you preview them, zip them and let you download the zip file.
Jetsubmitter is the pay section. Jetsubmitter will submit your spun article to almost 470 article directories. There is a $1 three day trial offer that allows full access to the Jetsubmitter site. I joined after seeing how powerful this article marketing software really is.
Try Jetspinner and Jetsubmitter now.